CRC Child Protection Officer: Sean Stagg
All Cycling Ireland clubs with young members (under 18 years old) must have a club Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO).
The role of the CSO is to ensure that the welfare of young people is upheld within the club and that children are safeguarded from any risks that may arise through the young person’s involvement with cycling. The CSO should also act as a listening ear for any child who has concerns about something that is happening to them in other settings like school or the family home.
It is important that the CSO also acts as an advocate for young people in ensuring that young riders have a voice in the running of their club. The CSO must be attentive in using their ears and eyes to listen to, and look out for, any concerns that the young riders may have. Ultimately, the CSO should prevent any risk of harm to young riders and promote a safe, fun and inclusive environment for young riders within their club.
In Cycling Ireland, the CSO also acts as the club Designated Liaison Person (DLP). The role of the DLP is to raise any concerns regarding the welfare of young or vulnerable persons to the relevant statutory authorities.
Remember, as your club’s Safeguarding officer you should make yourself known to your club members. This includes young riders, parents/guardians, coaches, leaders and board members. If you have a club house, why not post a picture of yourself on the wall? Or maybe you could introduce yourself on your club’s Facebook group. It is important to take the time to engage with your club members at spins, races or other meetings to find out how your young riders are getting on.